RYA Yachting
Have a look at some of the courses we have on offer by clicking on the links below.

RYA Start Yachting
Duration: 2 day, £330
Course information and content
The start sailing course is a two-day course for the introduction into sailing and seamanship. Giving you a basic understanding of yacht handling.
The course will cover
- The yacht
- Ropework,
- Rules of the road,
- Man overboard recovery,
- Clothing and equipment,
- Emergency equipment and precautions,
- Meteorology.
We aim to spend most of the day on the boat, so after a briefing and introduction we will get kitted up and onto the water. By the end of the course, you will have a basic understanding of yacht handling under sail as well as the relevant background knowledge.
Required experience – Basic knowledge of yachting
Minimum age 8
Accommodation – You can stay for the full course at a cost of £25 per night.
Next Steps
After completing this course, you are able to take part in the RYA Competent Crew Course which will be reduced to just 3 days, by building on your existing knowledge.
Kit and Clothing
Swansea Watersports supplies a range of technical equipment including waterproofs and Lifejackets. However you are very welcome to bring your own if you wish.

RYA Competent Crew Sail
Duration: 5 day, £680
If you have completed the Start Yachting the cost is reduced to
£400, 3 days
Course information and content
This is for beginners and those who would like to become active crew members rather than just passengers. By the end of the course, you should be able to steer, handle sails, keep a lookout, row a dinghy, and assist in all day-to-day routines.
The course is 5 days long, which we can run over 3 weekends or 3 days plus a weekend.
This course will cover
- Knowledge of sea terms
- Parts of a boat
- Rigging and sails
- Sail handling
- Ropework
- Fire precautions and fighting
- Personal safety equipment
- Man overboard
- Emergency equipment
- Meteorology
- Seasickness
- Helmsmanship
- General duties and manners
Required experience – none
Minimum age 12
Accommodation – You can stay for the full course at a cost of £25 per night.
Kit and Clothing
Swansea Watersports supplies a range of technical equipment including waterproofs and buoyancy aids. However you are very welcome to bring your own if you wish.
RYA Day Skipper Sail
Duration: 5 days, £680 per person
Course information and content
The RYA Day Skipper Tidal Practical Course is designed to show and instruct you, on how to take command safely and confidently of a yacht in known waters by day. As a skipper you have many responsibilities.
Our knowledgeable and calm instructors will coach you in these techniques and guide you through step by step, and then you will hone your skills by skippering designated passages. You will visit different anchorages and marinas, and you will plan a passage and a pilotage plan and put it into practice. Also included is night sailing to allow you to experience the joy and awe of sailing at night as well as some of the problems in identifying different lights and landmarks at night.
The course will cover
- Preparation for sea
- Deck work
- Navigation
- Pilotage
- Meteorology
- Rules of the road
- Maintenance and repair work
- Engines
- Victualling
- Emergency situations
- Yacht handling under power
- Yacht handling under sail
- Passage making
- Night cruising
More details – The RYA Day Skipper Theory course will take your navigation and theory knowledge to the standard required for the practical course. If you aren’t sure your sailing is up to speed, a RYA Level 2 Dinghy course is good way to learn or refresh your skills.
Required experience – Basic sailing ability. 5 days, 100 miles and 4-night hours onboard a sailing yacht. Navigation and theory knowledge to Day Skipper Shore based level.
Minimum age 16
Accommodation – one evening aboard is included in the cost. You can stay for the full course at a cost of £25 per night.
Kit and Clothing
Swansea Watersports supplies a range of technical equipment including waterproofs and lifejackets. However you are very welcome to bring your own if you wish.

RYA Coastal Skipper Sail
Duration: 5 day, £700
Course information and content
The RYA Coastal Skipper Course covers advanced skippering techniques in terms of boat handling and passage planning. Moving you from the shorter day passages at Day Skipper level to longer coastal passages.
The course also focuses on giving you a higher level of independence, crew management, watch-keeping routines and navigating in both day and night, which is often in unfamiliar waters, so a higher level of overall navigational and pilotage skills is required
The course will cover
- Passage planning
- Preparation for sea
- Pilotage
- Passage making and ability as skipper
- Advance yacht handling
- Adverse weather conditions
- Emergency situations
More details – The RYA Coastal skipper/yachtmaster offshore theory course will take your navigation and theory knowledge to the standard required for the practical course.
Required experience – 15 days, 2 days as skipper, 300 miles, 8-night hours
Minimum age is 17
Accommodation – one evening aboard is included in the cost. You can stay for the full course at a cost of £25 per night.
Kit and Clothing
Swansea Watersports supplies a range of technical equipment including waterproofs and Lifejackets. However you are very welcome to bring your own if you wish.
Specialised Courses
Please contact us to arrange your course or for more information.
Sometimes we have requests for individually tailored courses: There are a number of topics which these can cover. If this is something you are interested in, please contact us and we can discuss your requirements.