RYA Motor Cruising Courses
Motor Cruising is a fantastic way to take to the water, it will enable you to broaden your horizons and venture further afield. Our RYA Motor Cruising Courses are here to help you on your journey.

RYA Start Motor Cruising
Duration : 1 day course £234
Course information and content
This course is ideal for introducing friends or family members to crewing a motorboat and for giving them an understanding of how they can assist the helm.
The course covers a wide range of things including:
- Personal safety
- Seamanship
- Dealing with emergency situations
- coming alongside
- picking up a mooring
- boat handling

RYA Day Skipper Course Motor
Duration: 5 Day course £840
This course gives you the chance to take charge on short passages under instruction. You will concentrate on pilotage boat handling seamanship and navigation. This course can also help you get the best from your modern electronic aids such as GPS and radar.
Before attending the course you should be able to navigate and are well advised to attend the RYA Day Skipper shore based course to brush up on your skills.
The course covers a wide range of things including:
- Preparation for sea
- boat handling
- navigation
- pilotage
- passage making
- meteorology
- rules of the road
- engines
- emergency situations
- night cruising
RYA Helmsman Course
Duration: 2 day course £474
Course information and content
This course is ideal for new owners conscious of the difficulty and hazards of boat handling in the Marina. It is useful for crew as well as skipper. Apart from the obvious safety benefits of extra boat handlers on board, it adds interest if everyone can contribute to the trip.
The course covers a wide range of things including:
- Boat preparation
- boat handling
- types of craft
- engines and drives
- engine operation and maintenance
- safety and seamanship
- rules of the road
- securing to a buoy
- berthing alongside
- man overboard recovery

RYA Coastal Skipper Course Motor
Duration: 5 day course £1050
Course information and content
This course aims to teach the skills and techniques required to skipper a motor cruiser of at least 7m LOA safely on coastal and offshore passages by day and night. For the more ambitious skipper to improve skills and learn to make full use of the boat on longer, more complex passages. An important aspect is learning to take command and make decisions resulting in relaxed, well-planned passages and happy crew.
Before taking this course it is virtually essential to have attended the Coastal Skipper & Yachtmaster Offshore shorebased course, to ensure that time is not wasted teaching theory on board.
The course covers a wide range of things including:
- Passage planning
- preparation for sea
- pilotage
- passage making and ability as a skipper
- radar
- boat handling
- adverse weather conditions
- emergency situations