RYA Powerboating
Have a look at some of the courses we have on offer by clicking on the links below.

RYA Powerboating Level 1
Duration: 1 day, £240
Course information and content
The Powerboat level 1 course is a basic introduction to Powerboating.
The course includes:
- boat preparation
- boat handling at slow and high speed
- mooring alongside and on a buoy
- launching & recovering off a trailer
- safety, and basic rules of the road
We aim to spend most of the day on the boat so after a briefing and introduction ashore we get kitted up and onto the water.
This is a really good introduction to powerboating – no previous knowledge or experience is required, so this is a great course for those who are too young to do the level 2 course, and for those who just want a shorter taster than the more comprehensive two-day level 2 course.
RYA Powerboating Level 2
Duration: 2 days, £315 per person
Course information and content
The RYA powerboat level 2 course is a two day course and provides the skills and background knowledge required to turn the beginner boater into a competent powerboat driver. The course allows time for both theory and practise with the main focus being on boat handling and safety.
Whilst at first glance the syllabus appears very similar to the level one course, the extra time available makes a real difference to the depth in which subjects are covered and thus the amount a student can learn. Your instructor will cover the following topics with you during your day with him/her:
- Boat handling
- Launching and recovery
- Leaving and coming alongside
- Securing to a buoy
- Anchoring
- Man overboard
The shore based element of the course will cover the types of craft and their advantages and disadvantages, engines and drives, use of power tilt and trim tabs, safety checks, personal buoyancy, awareness of other water users, application of the collision regulations (IRPCS), local bylaws, towing and being towed, communication with other craft, emergency action, distress signals, fire precautions and fire fighting, and rope work.
Certification: The RYA Powerboat Level 2 certificate requires a passport photograph. Please remember to bring a photograph with you, otherwise we will not be able to issue your certificate.
Kit and Clothing
Swansea Watersports supplies a range of technical equipment including waterproofs and lifejackets. However you are very welcome to bring your own if you wish.

RYA Intermediate Powerboating
Duration: 2 day, £350
Course information and content
At first glance the syllabus reads as very similar to Level 2. The key difference though is the level to which each subject is covered and the practical application of the skills and knowledge developed. The course will address directly the use of electronic aids such as GPS, looking at the integration of these aids with techniques such as “The railway track”, “the spider’s web” etc.
This course includes:
- Basic pilotage and passage planning for small boats.
- Chartwork balancing the use of GPS and use of charts in a small craft.
- Correct use of GPS (XTE (cross track error), SOG (Speed over ground), BTW & DTW).
- Other areas such as tides and weather.
Kit and Clothing
Swansea Watersports supplies a range of technical equipment including waterproofs and lifejackets. However you are very welcome to bring your own if you wish.
RYA Advance Powerboat
Duration: 2 days, £350 per person
Course information and content
The advanced powerboat course is aimed at experienced amateur powerboaters and professional users. It is a two day course and aims to teach boat handling, seamanship, pilotage and navigation up to the standards required to drive a planning powerboat safely by day and night in tidal coastal waters with which the candidate is familiar. Individuals considering attending an advanced course should possess their National Powerboat Certificate Level Two (Coastal), be very competent powerboat handlers and have a level of knowledge of navigation and chartwork to the level of Coastal Skipper Shore based certificate. If you are unsure about your capability in this area, please contact us and we can quickly assess this for you. Your instructor will cover the following topics with you during your course:
- Preparation for sea
- Boat Handling (inc rough water)
- Passage making
- Pilotage
- Meteorology
- Rules of the road
- Use of engines
- Emergency situations
- Undertaking searches
- Night cruising
Certification: The RYA Advanced Powerboat certificate requires a passport photograph. Please remember to bring a photograph with you, otherwise we will not be able to issue your certificate.
It is strongly recommended that you have a copy of the RYA Powerboat Logbook G20
Kit and Clothing
Swansea Watersports supplies a range of technical equipment including waterproofs and lifejackets. However you are very welcome to bring your own if you wish.

RYA Safety Boat
Duration: 2 day, £315
Please contact us to arrange your course or for more information.
Course information and content
A two day course covering the rescue of windsurfers, canoes, sail boats and towing techniques. Course requirement is to be able to provide safety boat cover to a range of craft. The course is designed for those who have previous boating experience.
The course is 100% training with assessment built in, which gives plenty of time for practising manouevres and correcting faults. The weekend is based on practical hands on work, you will be getting wet, so come prepared!
Kit and Clothing
Swansea Watersports supplies a range of technical equipment including waterproofs and lifejackets. However you are very welcome to bring your own if you wish.
Specialised Courses
Please contact us to arrange your course or for more information.
Sometimes we have requests for individually tailored courses: There are a number of topics which these can cover. Listed below is a sample:
- Electronic navigation using G.P.S. and chart plotters.
- Rescue and safety training.
- Rough weather handling.
- Navigation theory revision.
- New boat familiarisation.
- Revision days following a RYA Course.
- Ladies Only Training weekends.
- Family training days.